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Art history comparison essay example

Art history comparison essay example

art history comparison essay example

Most introductory art history classes will ask students to write a compare and contrast essay about two pieces – examples include comparing and contrasting a medieval to a renaissance painting. It is always best to start with smaller comparisons between the two works of art such as the medium of the piece Art Comparison Essay Example Essay History of Western Art Comparison 1. Sculpture: Khafre Enthroned to Kritios Boy Early Egyptian art from the Old A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain, And The Physical Impossibility Of Art. In art, the striving for perfection Comparison 7/24/ · Each example of the art product of the ancient society becomes a representation of the characteristics of their culture and the symbolism of the expression and abstract concept of their artist. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get Your Custom Essay on. Comparison of Art Works of the Past. Just from $13,9/Page

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We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Art Comparison Art works of the past preserved for the present civilizations represents a great deal knowledge and information regarding the characteristics of the society and values in the past. These preserved artworks through antiquity represent the social values and humanistic nature of the people who have once existed in the previous timeline.

Contained in the artistic elements of their design, fine characteristics and mediums are the abstract concepts of their social structure, civilizations intellect, artistic domain, and others. Each example of the art product of the ancient society becomes a representation of the characteristics of their culture and the symbolism of the expression and abstract concept of their artist. Don't use plagiarized sources.

This is particularly the reason why an intricate examination of the characteristics and elements of each art work will reveal the symbolized conceptual elements symbolized by the said piece. Through the said approach in analysis and observation, the different trademarks of each artist are revealed through the artworks that they particularly present to the society as a piece of their legacy. In this regard, this paper will consider and examine two artworks preserved from the past with each symbolize a particular characteristic and element of its parent society and artist, art history comparison essay example.

These are namely the Herm of Dionysus Bacchus and the Bust of Menander. The sculpture style of presenting the subject in bust mode or picturing from chest level to the anterior part is a common approach in ancient art work. This approach is commonly used in presenting an artistic art history comparison essay example of a person subject and his or her image through capturing the anterior imagery of his or her abstract individuality.

On this aspect that both of the art sculpture mentioned before are created in similarities wherein they depict the social and mythological value of their respective subject. This sculpture depicts the bust image of Dionysus who is the Greek God of Wine. In the Greek culture, represents different social values and cultural elements such as the intoxicating power of wine the frenzyits social, economic and political influences, and the health benefits gained from the said product.

In other studies and analysis, Dionysus is also presented as the promoter of political aspect and awareness through fostering lawmaking, skepticism and critical thinking. He is also associated as the patron deity of agriculture and theatre particular the music. In the mythological stories, Dionysus is told to uphold the mission of creating the music that will relieve the stress and worries from the world through music, art history comparison essay example.

All of these mythological and social aspects are all presented in the art depiction of the said subject. Thus, this sculpture is said to represent or is molded from the significance of the mythological image of this subject.

In view of the sculpture of Dionysus representation, the said bust art piece present the social, political and cultural relevance of the said subject as captured in the depiction of his anterior part. Likewise, the facial emotion of the image also presents a touch of discernment and deep analysis while the slight grin in the lips shows satisfaction towards the thought of the image.

The angular display of the eyes and its emotional imagery show the concept of an optimistic outlook and positive hope towards art history comparison essay example future development of the art history comparison essay example which the subject supports as contained in its mythological background. Considering the material factor of the said subject, the said art sculpture is basically made of marble depicting a sense of cultural and artistic superiority and respect towards the chosen subject, art history comparison essay example.

This is also the second characteristic wherein the two bust sculptures falls under the same category as important artworks of their society. Marble is considered as an expensive and hard material thus, commonly used in important representation. Considering this, the two sculptures must art history comparison essay example be considered to art history comparison essay example important images in their religious and cultural aspect.

Over time, the Herm of Dionysus has already absorbed and contained several signs of antiquity and historical factuality manifested in its sustained corrosion and certain damages.

This aspect is more observable in this art piece compare to the Bust of Menander which appears to have been protected under cultural consideration. However, several characteristics have been intentionally placed to display the contrasting views and interpretation towards the personality of Dionysus based on the interpretation of the painter and the society.

The face is created with an authority and integrity through the facial figure, hair and beard however, a certain aura of relax and soft emotion is also added in the lips signifying certain opinions of his womanish personality.

In general, this sculpture has depicted the complete image and personality of the said subject as a representation of his social, political, and cultural relevance in his civilization. The said art sculpture presents the subject Menander who is a renowned Greek dramatist and the leading writer of the form of New Comedy. Contrasting to the first sculpture subject, Menander is an actual individual who art history comparison essay example a contemporary movement in their society and not a mythological character.

His dedication towards the artistic culture of drama earned him a prestigious title art history comparison essay example his society thus, art history comparison essay example, resulting to the artistic preservation of his fame in his sculpture. Analyzing the stylistic characteristic of the said sculpture will reveal the personal and conceptual characteristics of the said subject represented by the fine details in the sculpture.

The angular display of the head projects the concept of deviance from the norm with a positive outlook towards the movement. This can be related to the fact that Menander fostered the contemporary views of New Comedy during his lifetime. His facial expression is depicting as strongly stern and resolute towards his thoughts and ideals signifying his credibility and importance in the social field his involved with. This is also contained in the artistic element of smoothness in the figure and the clarity in the The social and political significance of Dionysus and the cultural value of Menander are presented effectively in their artistic representation contained in their marble sculptures.

As such, through intricately analyzing the fine characteristics and artistic qualities of the said art pieces will its audience acknowledge the implied value and concept in each element becoming a physical symbol for the abstract nature of their nature preserved through antiquity and historical posterity. Indeed, art pieces such as the sculptures of Herm of Dionysus and the Herm-bust of Menander manifest as effective physical representation of the artistic, cultural, and social value of their subject preserve in their stylistic qualities and artistic body as both anthropological figures and abstract expression through the art medium.

Bibliography Herm of Dionysus. Perseus Image Browser. November 23, Herm-bust of Menander. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Cite this Comparison of Art Works of the Past Comparison of Art Works of the Past. Comparison of Art Works of the Past. Accessed April 24, art history comparison essay example, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. See Pricing. What's Your Topic?

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Art History- Comparison essay between two figures. - Words | Essay Example

art history comparison essay example

Art Comparison Essay Example Essay History of Western Art Comparison 1. Sculpture: Khafre Enthroned to Kritios Boy Early Egyptian art from the Old A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain, And The Physical Impossibility Of Art. In art, the striving for perfection Comparison Kember, d. essay comparison art history example It s hard to imagine yourself as being symbolic of the computer on all the brothers or sisters listed in t hese in science commu- nication as not. Program. College composition and communication. If the person cannot work well enough to protect the water is then warmed and placed the main 9/27/ · This work dates from: The work is an oil painting for private devotion unlike Italian renaissance painting, this northern European work has wings that fold closed over the main scene the people kneeling on the left are donors of the painting This painting represents a humanization of Biblical subjects by having the scene take place in a contemporary interior An example of an artist(s) associated with the International Gothic style of painting would be the Limbourh brothers an example 5/5(1)

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