Saturday, April 24, 2021

Cultural artifact speech outline

Cultural artifact speech outline

cultural artifact speech outline

1/29/ · Cultural Artifact Speech Outline I. Intro A. Hello everyone my name is. And today I am going to talk about a cultural artifact but before that by a show of hands how many of you consider yourselves young adults? Ok now does your family recognize you as a young adult? There is a point in your life when your family starts to see you as a young adult View Cultural Artifact Speech Template from CST at Northern Virginia Community College. Cultural Artifact Speech Template Outline I. Introduction (Approximately 30 seconds – 1 Cultural Artifact Speech Outline Example Chinese Egg Tarts By Ping Chen I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Who doesn’t love desserts and sweets any time of the day!? Something so simple and small, one bite after another is irresistible. Ever since the ’s, Hong Kong has introduced this pastry-crust filled with egg custard as a snack

Speech Outline For Cultural Artifact Speech - Words | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Bailey-Smith Title: Got Guac? Thesis: Guacamole is a delicious, easy and nutritious snack that can be made in cultural artifact speech outline few easy steps, cultural artifact speech outline.

Introduction A. Attention Getter: We all know Americans cultural artifact speech outline to eat. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown our waistlines are expanding again. In fact, a new study for the Center of Disease Control shows that from the average waist increased from We all know eating healthier can prevent some of these health issues from happening. Preview: One way for us to eat healthier is to know how to prepare heart cultural artifact speech outline dishes.

In the next few minutes, I will demonstrate how to make easy and delicious guacamole. First, I will begin by explaining the equipment and ingredients you need and secondly how to put it together. Process A. Main idea: Equipment and ingredients However, that exact same chicken, cultural artifact speech outline, now injected with chemicals and hormones, is appearing in our food without the knowledge of the general public.

A major issue with genetically modified food is disrupting the balance of nature, thus resulting in unpredictability. There is cultural artifact speech outline reason why after a major disaster in nature, succession occurs to restore equilibrium.

Since there are risks with consuming this kind of food, people should have the choice to cultural artifact speech outline for themselves whether they would like to continue buying those products. That is only possible if restaurants label their food, cultural artifact speech outline. Contamination in this kind of food appears, cultural artifact speech outline. Those with severe allergies could unknowingly conceals the chiselled hole but also symbolizes life outside of the prison and the hope of a normal life again, cultural artifact speech outline.

For example Rita Hayworth was one of the most popular actresses of that time desired and admired by millions cultural artifact speech outline people. She represents the outside world and the American dream. Rita Hayworth helped me understand the timeless idea of hope because as an attractive famous woman she instils hope for those without hope especially Andy who is imprisoned. Often people no matter what generation who are without hope find comfort in a known person.

Reminders of the outside world have comforted throughout time. Paul in the bible who was also imprisoned sought comfort in the disciples. The last technique used to emphasize the idea of hope is lighting. The director uses lighting to reveal the hopelessness of life within Shawshank prison.

When Andy first arrives at the gates of Shawshank prison, the light is bright and natural. As Andy walks into the main door of Shawshank prison, the light rapidly fades into darkness. This use of fading light displays how dark and ominous Shawshank prison is, and contrasts the outside world.

old hockey stick that represents the impact that the game has had on me as a person and how the game has strengthened my relationships with people. Main Points: 1, cultural artifact speech outline.

First, I will explain the importance of the game of hockey and how it has helped me personally. Second, I will share with you how I have become even closer with family members through this game. Finally, I will explain why I chose to bring this stick over any other stick cultural artifact speech outline piece of equipment. Body A. The game has done a great deal to help me become a better person.

At a young age hockey taught me how to stay committed to something and how to work as a team. Hockey also trained me to become a leader. These are great skills to have especially at a young age and they have continued to pay dividends for me, as I grow older. These skills have made high school and now college a little easier for me.

Cultural artifact speech outline and teamwork are essential in the business world, cultural artifact speech outline, so as cultural artifact speech outline business student here at CMU I am grateful to have learned these skills at a young age.

Transition: Now that I have told you how the game has helped me as a person, cultural artifact speech outline, I will now share how the game has brought me even closer with family members. I have become very close with my Dad through the game of hockey. The game also brought me very close to my Grandpa before he died. You would never be able to tell through all the arguments and yelling but hockey made my dad and I best friends realize that my culture is very important to me.

The doll was a gift from my grandma as a reminder to me to not forget my roots. Because culture in my family is very important, my family has taught me the traditions, history, and even the many superstitions Oaxaca, the place where my parents are from, has.

It has served as my personal compass by creating foundations and morals which I live by today. The doll also hints to guests how culturally involved I am. On my free time I do folkloric dancing, which are native Oaxacan dances. Every year I perform in an important event called the Guelaguetza. This is a huge celebration in Oaxaca and has now been celebrated in the United States for over 15 years.

The group I dance with is directed by my aunt and we dance at church events, school events, and parties to promote not only our own culture but to encourage others to explore and learn about their own, cultural artifact speech outline.

Transition: Not only does the presence of the doll reveal who I am, the symbolism does also. The doll symbolizes the clay toys the indigenous children received from their parents, reflecting their childhood; the exchange of gifts parallels my own childhood. Similarly my family always bought me traditional Oaxacan toys. Cultural Speech Outline : Australia Purpose: At the end of our speechthe audience will know about Australia Introduction: Grabber: G'day Mates!

Body: I. Australia has a number of different mammals but does not have any large predatory animals. Mammals are warm blooded animals that give live birth. Their biggest carnivorous animal is called the dingo, or wild dog. They are found all over Australia except for Tasmania. Transition: moving on to Marsupials II. Australia has over species of Marsupials. Marsupials are animals that carry their newborns in special pouches in their bellies. Kangaroos and wallabies- 55 different species 1.

The main difference between these two is the size. Wallabies tend to be smaller. The population of both range between 30 to 60 million. The koala bear is another marsupial. Cultural artifact speech outline the name koalas are in fact not a type of bear.

They only eat leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The last marsupial I am going to discuss is the wombat. Stout, borrowing animals that weigh as much as 36 kilograms. Transition: let's talk about monotremes III. The next type of animal is the monotremes. Monotremes are a group of animals only found in Australia. Topic: Pain Medications: Very easily abused and affects millions of lives. General purpose: To Cultural artifact speech outline and create awareness.

Specific purpose: To inform the audience about the dangers of the prescription pain medication i. Vicodin Hydrocodone I. Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers. D'Amato, B. Brett Favre suffered a separated left shoulder after being sacked by Philadelphia Eagles, Reggie White in Brett did not want his coach to know how badly he was hurt, so after the game he asked the team doctor for a painkiller.

That night would be the first time he took his first Vicodin. D'Amato, C. Today I want to show just how addictive prescription pain medication can be, specifically the medication Hydrocodone. Transition Statement: I want to start by discussing briefly what Vicodin Hydrocodone is and what its effects are. Vicodin is the brand name for a powerful prescription narcotic medication known as Hydrocodone.

Firm, D. Typically is prescribed by a doctor or dentist for moderate to severe pain due to an injury or after a medical procedure. Informative Speech Outline Thesis Statement: College Football fans around the nation recognize Bobby Bowden as one of the most inspirational and game changing coaches of all time.

Introduction I. Imagine how it would feel to be widely recognized not only as a great coach, but also as a mentor to so many young athletes.

artifact speech - outline

, time: 3:03

Cultural Artifact Essay - Words

cultural artifact speech outline

Eddie Hyatt Cultural Artifact Speech Template Outline. I. Introduction (Approximately 30 seconds – 1 min.) A. Attention Getter – Have you ever participated in a competitive sport? How did it feel to make that game-winning shot or that game tying kick to send the game into overtime?/5(21) Cultural Artifact Speech Outline I. Introduction a. Attention getter – (does anyone listen to music?)?!?!?!?! b. Show Headphones, (or beats, if you wanna be an ass) {engage with the listeners, make them participate. Ex. “what's your guy’s fav song? and how does it make you feel?” 1/29/ · Cultural Artifact Speech Outline I. Intro A. Hello everyone my name is. And today I am going to talk about a cultural artifact but before that by a show of hands how many of you consider yourselves young adults? Ok now does your family recognize you as a young adult? There is a point in your life when your family starts to see you as a young adult

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