Saturday, April 24, 2021

Recent review articles

Recent review articles

recent review articles

11/15/ · The most recent published Review papers for Journal of Process Control. Sustainability and process control: A survey and perspective Journal of Process Control, Volume 44, August , Pages Prodromos Daoutidis, Michael Zachar, Sujit S. Jogwar. Fast NMPC schemes for regulatory and economic NMPC – A review Browse Review articles from the New England Journal of Medicine. Skip to main content Recent Issues. April 15, Vol. No. 15 April 8, Vol. No. 14 6/8/ · National Review's latest articles covering news, politics, current events, elections, and culture with detailed analysis and commentary

Review articles: purpose, process, and structure | SpringerLink

Many research disciplines feature high-impact journals recent review articles are dedicated outlets for review papers or review—conceptual combinations e. The rationale for such outlets is the premise that research integration and synthesis provides an important, and possibly even a required, step in the scientific process.

Review papers tend to include both quantitative i. In many cases, an editor must provide strong support to help such review papers navigate the review process. Yet, once published, such papers tend to be widely cited, suggesting recent review articles members of the field find them useful see Bettencourt and Houston In this editorial, we seek to address three topics relevant to review papers.

First, recent review articles, we outline a case for their importance to the scientific process, by describing the purpose of review papers. Second, we detail the review paper editorial initiative conducted over the past two years by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science JAMSfocused on increasing the prevalence of review papers.

Third, we describe a process and structure for systematic i. For some strong recent examples of marketing-related meta-analyses, see Knoll and Matthes ; Verma et al.

They carefully identify and synthesize relevant literature to evaluate a specific research question, substantive domain, theoretical approach, or methodology and thereby provide readers with a state-of-the-art understanding recent review articles the research topic. The purpose of and contributions associated with review papers can vary depending on their specific type and research question, but in general, they aim to.

Identify inconsistencies in prior results and potential explanations e. Not every review paper can offer all of these benefits, recent review articles, but this list represents their key contributions.

To provide a sufficient contribution, a review paper needs to achieve three key standards. First, the research domain needs to be well suited for a review paper, such that a sufficient body of past research exists recent review articles make the integration and recent review articles valuable—especially if extant research reveals theoretical inconsistences or heterogeneity in its effects.

Second, the review recent review articles must be well executed, with an appropriate literature collection and analysis techniques, sufficient breadth and depth of literature coverage, and a compelling writing style.

The increasing methodological rigor and technical sophistication of many marketing studies also means that they often focus on smaller problems with fewer constructs. Thus, good review papers provide a solid platform for future research, in the reviewed domain but also in other areas, in that researchers can use a good review paper to learn about and extend key insights to new areas.

This domain extension, outside of the core area being reviewed, is one of the key benefits of review papers that often gets overlooked. Yet it also is becoming ever more important with the expanding breadth of marketing e. Against this backdrop, systematic review papers and meta-analyses help academics and interested managers keep track of research findings that fall outside their main area of specialization. With a strong belief in the importance of review papers, the editorial team of JAMS has purposely sought out leading scholars to provide substantive review papers, recent review articles, both meta-analysis and systematic, for publication in JAMS.

Many of the scholars approached have voiced concerns about the risk of such endeavors, due to the lack of alternative outlets for these types of papers. Therefore, we have recent review articles a unique process, in which the authors develop a detailed outline of their paper, key tables and figures, and a description of their literature review process. On the basis recent review articles this outline, we grant assurances that the contribution hurdle will not be an issue for recent review articles in JAMSrecent review articles, as long as the authors execute the proposed outline as written.

Each paper still goes through the normal review process and must meet all publication quality standards, of course. In many cases, recent review articles, an Area Editor takes an active role to help ensure that each paper provides sufficient insights, as required for a high-quality review paper.

This process gives the author team confidence to invest effort in the process. As a next step in positioning JAMS as a receptive marketing outlet for review papers, we are conducting a Thought Leaders Conference on Generalizations in Marketing: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyseswith a corresponding special issue see www. We will continue our process of seeking out review papers as an editorial strategy in areas that could be advanced by the integration and synthesis of extant research.

We expect that, ultimately, such efforts will become unnecessary, as authors initiate review papers on topics of their own choosing to submit them to JAMS. For example, the domains, theories, recent review articles, and methods reviewed need to have some application to past or emerging managerial research.

A good rule of thumb is that the substantive domain, theory, or method should attract the attention of readers of JAMS. The efforts of multiple editors and Area Editors in turn have generated a body of review papers that can serve as useful examples of the different types and approaches that JAMS has published.

Domain-based review papers review, synthetize, and extend a body of literature in the same substantive domain. Then they examine the different theoretical perspectives brought to bear on privacy topics related to consumers and organizations, including ethical and legal perspectives.

These foundations lead in to their systematic review of privacy-related articles over a clearly defined date range, from which they extract key insights from each study. This exercise of synthesizing diverse perspectives allows these authors to describe state-of-the-art knowledge regarding privacy in marketing and identify useful paths for research. Similarly, a new paper by Cleeren et al. Theory-based review papers review, synthetize, and extend a body of literature that uses the same underlying theory.

The article dives deeply into a description of the theory and its underlying assumptions, recent review articles organizes a systematic review of relevant literature according to various perspectives through which the theory has been applied in marketing. The authors conclude by identifying topical domains in marketing that might benefit from additional applications of the theory e.

Method-based review papers review, synthetize, and extend a body of literature that uses the same underlying method. After a brief review of the theoretical foundations of event studies, they describe in detail the key design considerations associated with this method. The article then provides a roadmap for conducting event studies and compares this approach with a stock market returns analysis. The authors finish with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the event study method, which in turn suggests three main areas for further research.

Our long-term editorial strategy is to make sure JAMS becomes and remains a well-recognized outlet for both meta-analysis and systematic managerial review papers in marketing. In this section, we review the process and typical structure of a systematic review paper, which lacks recent review articles long or established tradition in marketing research.

The article by Grewal recent review articles al. They discuss current knowledge about a research domain, yet they often are flawed, in that they lack criteria for article inclusion or, more accurately, article exclusionfail to discuss the methodology used to evaluate included articles, and avoid critical assessment of the field Barczak Such reviews tend to be purely descriptive, with little lasting impact.

Littell et al. describe six key steps in the systematic review process. The extent to which each step is emphasized varies by paper, but all are important components of the review. Topic formulation. The author sets out clear objectives for the review and articulates the specific research questions or hypotheses that will be investigated.

Study design. The author specifies relevant recent review articles, populations, constructs, and settings of interest. The aim is to define explicit criteria that can be used to assess whether any particular study should be included in or excluded from the review.

Furthermore, it is important to develop a protocol in advance that describes the procedures and methods to be used to evaluate published work. The aim in this third step is to identify all potentially relevant studies, including both published and unpublished research. To this end, the author must first define the sampling unit to be used in the review e. Data collection. By retrieving the potentially relevant studies identified in the third step, the author can determine whether each study meets the eligibility requirements set out in the second step.

For studies deemed acceptable, the data are extracted from each study and entered into standardized templates. These templates should be based on the protocols established in step 2.

Data analysis. The degree and nature of the analyses used to describe and examine the collected data vary widely by review. Purely descriptive analysis is useful as a starting point but rarely is sufficient on its own.

The examination of trends, clusters of ideas, and multivariate relationships among constructs helps flesh out a deeper understanding of the domain. For example, both Hult and Huber et al.

Three key aspects of this final step are common across systematic reviews. First, the results from the recent review articles step need to be presented, clearly and compellingly, using narratives, tables, and figures, recent review articles.

Second, core results that emerge from the review must be interpreted and discussed by the author. These revelatory insights should reflect a deeper understanding of the topic being investigated, not simply a regurgitation of well-established knowledge. Third, the author needs to describe the implications of these unique insights for both future research and managerial practice. A new paper by Watson et al.

The article then explicitly describes the procedures used to search for potentially relevant papers and clearly sets out criteria for study inclusion or exclusion. Next, a detailed discussion of core elements in the framework weaves published research findings into the exposition. The paper ends with a presentation of key implications and suggestions for the next steps. In their review, Hulland et al. examine the entire population of survey papers published in JAMS over a ten-year span, relying on an extensive standardized data template to facilitate their subsequent data analysis.

Authors that fall into the other ditch present a thorough, complete overview that offers only a mind-numbing recitation, without evident organization, synthesis, or critical evaluation. Although comprehensive, such a paper is more of an index than a useful review.

The reviewed articles must be grouped in a meaningful way to guide the reader toward a better understanding of the focal phenomenon and provide a foundation for insights about future research directions. Some scholars organize research by scholarly perspectives e. The method of organization chosen must allow the author to capture the complexity of the underlying phenomenon e. Processes recent review articles the identification and inclusion of research articles should be described in sufficient detail, such that an interested reader could replicate the procedure.

We already have noted the potential usefulness of well-done review papers, recent review articles. Some scholars always are new to the field or domain in question, recent review articles, so review papers also need to help them gain foundational knowledge.

Key constructs, definitions, assumptions, recent review articles, and theories should be laid out clearly for which purpose summary tables are extremely helpful. An integrated conceptual model can be useful to organize cited works.

Most scholars integrate the knowledge they gain from reading the review paper into their plans for future research, so it is also critical that review papers clearly lay out implications and specific directions for research. Ideally, recent review articles, readers will come away from a review article filled with enthusiasm about ways they might contribute to the ongoing development of the field.

Because such a large body of research is being synthesized in most review papers, simply reading through the list of included studies can be exhausting for readers. We cannot overstate the importance of tables and figures in review papers, recent review articles, used in conjunction with meaningful headings and subheadings.

Vast literature review tables often are essential, but they must be organized in a way that makes their insights digestible to the reader; in some cases, a sequence of more focused tables may be better than a single, comprehensive table.

In summary, articles that review extant research in a domain topic, theory, or method can be incredibly useful to the scientific progress of our field.

How to write a review paper? Learn from the Scratch. Know about benefits of a review.

, time: 6:46

Review Articles | Nature

recent review articles

How to Write an Article Review (with Sample Reviews) - wikiHow Recent Review Articles Review Papers. The most recent published Review papers for Journal of Process Control. Sustainability and process control: A survey and perspective Journal of Process Control, Volume 44, August , Pages Prodromos Daoutidis, Michael Zachar, Sujit S. Jogwar Browse Review articles from the New England Journal of Medicine. Skip to main content Recent Issues. April 15, Vol. No. 15 April 8, Vol. No. 14

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