Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short speech on unity

Short speech on unity

short speech on unity

Short Essay on Unity in Diversity. Article shared by. It has often been repeatedly said that India is a land of ‘Unity in Diversity’. Though this apparently sounds as a contradiction in terms but that is what we have always cherished for and have even demonstrated as and when occasion arose 11/21/ · Long and Short Speech on Unity is Strength in English Speech on Unity is Strength 1. Good Morning to all my dear Students! As I keep hearing stories of discord and clashes amongst the students of my class from other teachers, it becomes really embarrassing for me 2/12/ · Speech on Unity Is Strength From the dawn of humanity, we can find the evidence that strength lies in the numbers and without our inseparable belief in, “Unity is strength”. Moreover, we have always been stronger hunters and knowledge shares when united. Besides, the proverb “Unity is strength” is more than just that

Unity in Diversity Speech - For Students and Children In English

We all know that Unity is Strength and without unity human civilization cannot grow. Living in unity is of utmost importance if we want to make progress and grow as a nation.

So considering its relevance for the people, we have covered both short speech on Unity is Strength and long Speech on Unity is Strength which you can certainly use as a reference point or take help from. Our speeches are comprehensive, easy to understand yet impactful. Read through our speeches and select any speech of your choice. As I keep hearing stories of discord and clashes amongst the students of my class from other teachers, it becomes really embarrassing for me.

Therefore, as your class teacher it becomes my responsibility to prevent short speech on unity from doing so. The reason why I have taken this extra period of yours is to groom you on the practical front and teach you besides your school syllabus.

Though initially I was very furious and thought to call the parents of each one of you and give everyone a tight thrashing, but later on I realized that these rising cases may be due to the negligence on my part and inability to devote enough time on you other than your studies. So today I am here to deliver a speech on Unity is Strength.

I am sure you all understand the importance of unity as you have become quite mature now. And, if you do then you should also understand short speech on unity these fights and clashes are absolutely pointless as these only worsen the situation and spoil the beauty of any relationship. Thirdly, any outsider can take benefit from the fights and clashes taking place between two individuals. It goes like this — there was an old farmer who was on the verge of death.

He had three sons who used to quarrel a lot amongst themselves. One day he called all his sons and gave a stick to each one of them to break, every son managed to break the stick.

Then, he gave a bundle of sticks to his eldest son and asked him to break it. So if you choose to live separately after my death, anyone would take advantage of your situation and harm you. But if you all choose to live together quite like this bundle of sticks, then none of your enemy will be able to harm you.

So the moral of the story is Unity is Strength. This situation applies to you as well, short speech on unity. If all my students will live in unity, then none would be able to point a finger on my class and take advantage of the situation.

In fact, short speech on unity all should live in harmony and if any situation of conflict arises try to resolve it peacefully. No fight can be big enough which cannot be resolved through discussions.

Discussions prove really helpful because then you tend to find a solution to avoid such problems again and life becomes peaceful for everyone. Always remember that never become a laughing stock for others and always try to pacify the situation with non-violent means. Now, I sincerely hope that each one of you would take my words seriously and try to implement it on your life as well.

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students — Good Morning to one and all! You must be wondering about the occasion behind this speech ceremony of today, but let me clear your doubts first. There is no occasion as such, short speech on unity considering the increasing cases of violence and terrorism in our state and country at large, I had a great desire to address the subject called Unity is Strength and engage my fellow students in discussion.

Our country India is known to be a multicultural land where people from different religious, cultural and social background live in harmony. However, short speech on unity, the irony of the situation is such that our very own country is replete with the rising incidents of communal violence, strife, terrorist activities, etc.

Every day in news we come across horrifying incidents of violent behavior, bloodbath where so many innocent people lose their lives, short speech on unity. Our country would never emerge as a stronger and developed nation unless its sad state of affairs get better and people understand that violence never solves any problem, but aggravates it.

Besides, man is a social animal and cannot live short speech on unity isolation. One man cannot do everything. So it certainly calls for unity and team-work. It is not possible for a person to live without taking the help of other people.

Hence, everyone must work in harmony and also give support as well as encouragement to each other, short speech on unity. If people will continue to remain rigid and uncooperative, then the foundation of our short speech on unity would crumble down and our nation will never be able to project itself as a strong nation at par with the powerful countries of the world. Even though I have completed three years as a secretary of our Radhakrishna Society, it still feels that it all happened just a day before.

I still have so much energy left in me to work more and more towards the development of our society and making it better with every passing day. I have always gained the support of everyone. These three years have been so eventful and easygoing that I can proudly say that out of all the societies in our neighborhood Radhakrishna Society is the best. Not because we have well-maintained our premises and organize various events year after year, but we have unity in our people and whenever a tested situation comes we all stand united as always.

We have never given importance to disputes or conflicts over the unflinching relationship that we share with each other. This proverb is quite self-explanatory, which means staying together is a source of strength.

The proverb is of course universal and can be applied to any family, community or country at large. It implies that we are stronger if we remain united and can overcome any difficult situation. The principle of unity harbors happiness and peace in both society and the nation as well as also teaches the lesson of forgiveness.

Initially, man lived in isolation as savages. Gradually, families were formed and they realized the importance of living together and started forming societies and communities.

For instance, if in a family, any one member turns rebellious, it spoils the whole environment within that house. Similarly, in a society or nation, if any group of people turns hostile, then the downfall of that society cannot be prevented. Tolerance, feeling of sacrifice, love, compassion, affection, humility, pity are the pillars of a society and if any pillar shakes then the entire foundation of a society shakes, short speech on unity.

So it becomes the responsibility of each and every individual living short speech on unity that society to not let these pillars shake and ensure happiness as well as peace everywhere.

I am extremely happy at this moment and cannot hide my happiness as we all are meeting after a very long time. Even though we always remain in touch over the phone and catch up with each other in a scattered form, but not as an entire group, short speech on unity.

Hence, today I am so glad that we get to meet each other as a group under one roof after many-many years. Our friendship has always been very special and our group used to be the short speech on unity of envy not only for our classmates, but for the entire college too. Am I not right guys? During our college days, the way we loved each other, we also fought with each other with equal short speech on unity, but never drew apart, short speech on unity.

We continued to remain united even at the worse possible scenario and this is the only reason why we are short speech on unity together after having finished our college long five years back. You must be wondering why am I giving a speech on togetherness!

Hence, we should realize short speech on unity major strength of our relationship and from where it draws its source of life, i. Unity or our willingness to remain together under any compelling circumstances, so that we can cherish it for our lifetime.

In fact, after having gained enough exposure of the corporate sector or the outside world for that matter, I have come to value our friendship even more and if we could become an example for others and spread the message of unity and oneness across, then the world would become a haven in itself. No matter where we go, if we have this quality in ourselves to remain united with our family and loved ones, we should then always try to implant this quality in the humanity at large.

Short speech on unity witnessing the rising incidents of violence, murder, road rage, etc; my consciousness has been shaken to the core. Other than these horrifying incidents, on a day to day basis, I find people overtly manipulative, shrewd and hypocritical, who can harm the other person for their selfish motives. I hope our friendship just grows stronger and stronger with time and we also continue to spread the message of unity and togetherness.

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! We all must have heard this proverb, whether at schools, colleges or while reading a book or even during general debates. I remember few kindergarten stories told by my teachers based on this proverb. It relates to family, short speech on unity, friendship, short speech on unity, communities or even a nation, short speech on unity.

A family that stays united is able to fight back against adversities and regain peace and short speech on unity. Not only families, short speech on unity, but even communities those stay together and united are better able to fight back against external threats; protecting their freedom and dignity.

The same goes on for even nations. A nation, whose people are united; is progressive and able to resist external invasions or even internal threats. India shares its border with seven neighboring countries, and has successfully fought back excursion attempts from time to time. It has been possible only because the people of India stayed united and still remain united, despite their demographic differences of caste creed and religion. History has taught us that we had lost bitterly to our opponents, short speech on unity, whenever we compromised on our unity.

Invasions of Mughal from Middle East Asia and also the British East India Company were only made possible through our internal strife or conflicts.

But, we quickly learned the lesson and fought together against the oppressors, sending them back and successfully regaining our freedom and sovereignty. Since then we have stayed united and therefore we also have stayed free. Looking around us, we will come across many other beautiful examples those prove that there is strength in unity.

To state few- a single stick is easier to break than a bunch, a rope that could sustains your own weight is made up of very thin strands of fiber, braided together. Even the short speech on unity understand the importance of unity and that unity manifests strength. Buffalos often organize themselves like a band of soldiers to protect their young ones or one of their own, from predators.

Somehow they have the wisdom to understand the power of unity. A lone grasshopper is not powerful at all. But when they gather in huge numbers, they become formidable! Somehow, they too understand the wisdom of unity and the strength that it provides.

There are many creatures like bees, ants, wasps etc those portray the essentiality of unity for the survival of a species. But, before I conclude I request you all to stay united; wherever you are, in whatever community, short speech on unity, in your office or family- just stay together. Even if you are the guy next door, you can do that in your own capacity, by staying together with your family and friends in ups and downs of life.

Speech on Unity in Diversity. Speech on National Integration. Essay on Unity in Diversity, short speech on unity.

Short speech on unity

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Speech on Unity in simple and easy words

short speech on unity

6/2/ · Short Paragraph/Speech on “Unity is Strength” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Unity is Strength A very good morning to honorable judges, teachers and my friends 6/13/ · Long and Short Speeches on Unity is Strength for Students and Kids in English Long Speech on Unity is Strength Words in English. Welcome to everyone present here. Today I am here to present a Short Speech on Unity is Strength Words in English. Welcome to everyone present here. Today I am Short Speech on Unity This is a word speech on unity that will explain the meaning and importance of the topic. It can be extremely helpful for students in grades Good morning everyone, respected principal, teachers and students, I am here today to speak on the topic of unity and help understand that unity is strength

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