Saturday, April 24, 2021

Best sites to write articles

Best sites to write articles

best sites to write articles

9/26/ · Top 10 Websites for Article Posting 1. eHow. One of the widely used sites, eHow allows you to grow your name online as a writer by using your articles. 2. EzineArticles. EzineArticles is one of the most popular sites for placing your articles online. In fact, there are 3. ArticleCube. ArticleCube The Electric Typewriter. Great articles and essays by the world's best journalists and writers 8/4/ · Triond is another great place to work with. You can post articles and you will earn money with both Google Adsense and Pay per View. There is no restriction on what you must write and you have total freedom. However, the usual stuffs are normal (consider nudity etc)

Great Articles & Essays to Read Online

I have a passion for writing and I know how hard it is to find a good place to post your article for a nice side income. I have spent countless hours and time searching on both Yahoo! And Google for the best sites on earth to post articles.

Not to forget hours of finding more and more information in various best sites to write articles such as HubPages and Squidoo to name a few, best sites to write articles. Here are my top 5 best places for you to earn some best sites to write articles online and there are links at the bottom for you. Click them and you will be few minutes away from earning more money! I always wonder how many hubbers are there in the world, best sites to write articles.

Let me be frank over here. I love HubPages and I am in love with it! All you need to write and some creative ideas, best sites to write articles. You do not need to be a graphic specialist to make your hubs look nice as you are given options on how to decorate it. You can add links, photos, polls and even videos alongside with your article.

At the same time, you can earn money with Google Adsense, Amazon and Kontera. To join Hubpages, check it out here: Join HubPages for free now! Triond is another great place to work with. You can post articles and you will earn money with both Google Adsense and Pay per View. There is no restriction on what you must write and you have total freedom. However, the usual stuffs are normal consider nudity etc.

According to my Google Adsense, HubPages and Triond are two of the most page impression monthly without fail. This site is one fun place where they will only issue you a debit card once you have completed certain amount of collection e. USD I love this site not because of its revenue generating but in fact, you can basically post all your best sites to write articles, blogs, photos, articles or anything you can think of.

The best part is, everything being hit for a certain amount of time will generate revenue. This is indeed one of the best back links I ever countered.

This site is strict and they will ban you for no obvious reason or notification. It is an expert forum where you can earn revenue by Pay per View. The marking here is really strict and they do not want to have any duplicate content. From the revenue and paying point of view, they are great as they pay you the first few days of the month by PayPal. Factoidz for those who have deep desire in writing. I am not a fan of this site to be frank but I really love the outlook of the site.

It is excellent and it is fun to play with. If you are a hubber, then you are going to have a little hard time trying to best sites to write articles the styles.

The basics of Squidoo are just alike HubPages. Thanks for your great post. i have got your nice info, it is useful for me to find out something for my works. Glad I found this hub.

I clicked on a link in one of your other hubs which led me here. Useful information and I will share this. I love Squidoo, make decent money there. I also like Redgage and do very well with pictures there not much with blog posts tho. People are more interested in photos overthere. I don't have much content here on HP so it's hard for me to say if it's worth my time yet. Thanks for a great article.

I best sites to write articles new to HubPages, and have just added my first article that I have previously hosted on my own site.

I have noticed in the Terms in Conditions, that I am not allowed to post any articles that are posted anywhere else, so I can't have the same article on HubPages as well as Triond, or my own site. Do you have any suggestions for me around this?

Should I focus on a single site, or use other sites? Nicregi, thanks for the sites you mentioned. I have tried Squidoo, wrote two lenses for it, and decided to stay off it because I have no html knowledge and it is hard to compete without it. Hubpages is far more user-friendly, though I don't think you can make as much here because it is not a commercial site at all.

Still, it is a best sites to write articles site and the hubbers are a great community. I must try Triond, best sites to write articles. If I do, I'll do it from your link, hoping you'll get a commission for it. Over the years I have seen many products and services come and go in regards to marketing however, article marketing is one of the most consistant ways of gettting your message out.

I strongly recommend this method. share the helpful information. Thank you for your labors. indeed difficult and time-consuming process. Very interesting and helpful, I have been considering joining squidoo for a while now, but I agree with what you said about it: I am not crazy about it either. I have increased my Amazon earning significantly using Squidoo. It really is a great way to earn money using affiliate networks. Enjoyed your hub. Voted up! I'm glad both hubpages and triond my two sites in posting articles are in your list, of course, hubpages is no.

Interesting hub! voted up! Squidoo is fine but since they have the tier payment, people start to go off. Tier payment means that only those in the tier you got to be like top or 1, or something to earn payment. Outside of the tier and you get none.

That is why people earning in Squidoo earn thousands and hundreds while those who don't earn, never earn a single cent :. Can I ask. What about squidoo? It seems to be similar to hubpages, just not as good?

Do you use them? Thank you for your comment. I have not noticed that yet but heard people talking about it. I myself is going to try that out once I finish the current hub I am working on :.

I have noticed that Hubs are getting indexed faster on the same keywords. I know that it is kind of frustrating because the keywords are not competitive at all. Thank you for your inspiring comment. I will be doing a new list as a few readers had personally requested.

I am glad you find them useful. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you again so much! Hubpages is good place for sharing and make some money. Hubapges community is great group for learning also. I appreciate the well written article, several of those sites I had no idea even existed.

There are a couple of article sites we are now trying to avoid like the plague. Yes Squidoo has higher PR which is true but I feel it is all depends on your tagging etc. I tried a couple of time at Squidoo but HubPages seems to get into Google much faster and better compared to Squidoo. Maybe is just me but worth a try and why not :.

I agree that Squidoo can be a little bit harder to use. However, for the same topics that I cover here my Squidoo lenses tend to do quite a bit better, best sites to write articles. That and the last time I checked unless I am wrong which can happen Squidoo had a higher PR.

Thank you for your comment and for your time! I spend all my time here. I do write for triond but seems like here is a much better place :. I am sure you will find success in writing and good luck! If you need any help, feel free to drop me a question :.

Get Paid To Write Articles (Up to $3000)�� 10 Great Sites!

, time: 12:52

10 Free Publishing Platforms For Writers To Publish Articles Online

best sites to write articles

AirTract: It is a free platform to publish your articles. It also lets you write a blog of your own. It is a user-friendly site where you can ask and answer questions. It lets you write articles on many latest topics as well as general topics. Publishing your articles here is easy and does not require much prior knowledge The Electric Typewriter. Great articles and essays by the world's best journalists and writers 8/4/ · Triond is another great place to work with. You can post articles and you will earn money with both Google Adsense and Pay per View. There is no restriction on what you must write and you have total freedom. However, the usual stuffs are normal (consider nudity etc)

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